Happy new year!
I know many of us are so ready to say good bye to 2020 and move onto to the new year. It’s been a wild ride and we’re ready to move forward and see what 2021 will bring.
Overall, Dante had a good year. Being home learning virtually for six months was a challenge, but we overcame it and did the best we could to help him. While he lost many services and therapies (some permanently), we were able to keep him in physical therapy in person at a private clinic throughout his school shut down, which made a huge difference.
Dante returned to in person learning, five days a week in September taking on the challenge of a new school and all new therapists. But he adapted well and is doing awesome.
He’s also been sporting a new set of wheels. As Dante gets older, his spasticity will increase making it even harder for him to get around and do every day things like getting on and off the school bus. So we opted to get him a wheelchair to make things a little easier for him.
We also found a new private physical therapist to work with Dante who has been trying a lot of different techniques with him to help build strength and decrease his tone. This week while he’s home from school we had him casted to help with the tone in his leg. And this guy has done amazing dragging around the extra weight of a cast on his leg all week.
On top of the setbacks in school and therapies, we had to put our fundraising efforts on hold. As we enter a new year, we have new ideas and opportunities to help raise the much needed funds to Cure SPG52.
January 1 we will kick off a challenge with ONE NY to run, walk or cycle in the event of your choosing. You can sign up for a one month, three month or full year event on our team, Cure AP4- Patient Warrior. We’ll all stayed motivated to keep our bodies moving and raise money to Cure SPG52.
Register today at RunSignUp and join our team Cure AP4 – Patient Warrior.
Happy new year, and best wishes for 2021!