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Rare Disease Day 2021

Rare is many. Rare is strong. Rare is proud.

Rare is many. Rare is strong. Rare is proud.

Did you know there are 300 million people worldwide living with a rare disease, and over 6000 different types of rare diseases?

Each of those rare diseases is that – rare, which makes it so difficult to find the resources and funding needed for a cure.

Dante is 1 of the 300 million who has 1 of the 6000+ rare diseases. Break that down further and he’s 1 of 30 known cases of SPG52 in the entire world. And 1 of only 3 known cases in the US. Now that is rare.

This month in honor of #rarediseaseday on Feb 28, we’re working even harder to raise awareness for SPG52 and all rare diseases because rare needs you.

Please help us by sharing Dante’s story using #CureSPG52 #PatientWarrior and tag PatientWarrior52 on social media. If you’re able, please consider a donation to CureSPG52 or share our donation link. Let’s work together and raise $5200 this month to Cure SPG52! ❤️