Rare is many. Rare is strong. Rare is proud.

Did you know there are 300 million people worldwide living with a rare disease, and over 6000 different types of rare diseases?
Each of those rare diseases is that – rare, which makes it so difficult to find the resources and funding needed for a cure.
Dante is 1 of the 300 million who has 1 of the 6000+ rare diseases. Break that down further and he’s 1 of 30 known cases of SPG52 in the entire world. And 1 of only 3 known cases in the US. Now that is rare.
This month in honor of #rarediseaseday on Feb 28, we’re working even harder to raise awareness for SPG52 and all rare diseases because rare needs you.
Please help us by sharing Dante’s story using #CureSPG52 #PatientWarrior and tag PatientWarrior52 on social media. If you’re able, please consider a donation to CureSPG52 or share our donation link. Let’s work together and raise $5200 this month to Cure SPG52! ❤️