Last updated on August 13, 2020
Dante started back to school for his summer session last week, which is all distance learning and a full schedule but after the first few days of adjusting he’s doing amazing. He has a packed schedule almost every day and the routine seems to really be helping him.
He also started aqua therapy again a few weeks ago as pools were allowed to reopen. But, we’re taking a few weeks off already since he also fell and got four staples in his head.
This one of the hardest things about having a child with a condition like Dante’s. Just 15 minutes before he fell I was watching him cruise around my sister’s house and thought to myself how awesome he’s doing getting around lately. His balance is better. He’s really trying to walk (with assistance) and being braver about getting around on his feet vs crawling everywhere.
And then he fell. And it wasn’t a crazy dare devil act like pushing a chair across the room to stand and try to climb the counters on. Or jumping off a couch. He was walking along the kitchen counters and reaching from a stool to the chair I was sitting in and lost his balance, perfectly hitting his head on the edge of the chair.
We’re lucky it was just a small laceration with four staples, but now we’re right back to being on top of him and worry about every step or tumble. AND then he fell again and bumped his head in the same spot and the wound was bleeding again so we went back to urgent care. The doctor there took out the staples to take a look at how he was doing and then put two new ones in.
These tumbles have not slowed Dante down at all but made us uber cautious of his every move. Another reason why we pray daily for a cure so we don’t have to live in constant fear of our son’s future and worry about him standing too close to stairs, or sitting too close to the edge of a chair because he can’t balance himself like other kids his age.
While we’ll never lose hope for a cure, we might also be exploring bubble wrap and helmet options to keep him safe. Don’t we all wish we could put our kids in a bubble sometimes?!